Computer Science & Engineering

Mrs. Subhalaxmi Das

Mrs. Subhalaxmi Das

Computer Science & Engineering

Contractual Faculty


  [email protected]

Date of Joining :   17th October 2011

Present Address:

78 Dreams Apartment, Ghatikia

Permanent Address:

78 Dreams Apartment, Ghatikia

B.Tech (BPUT), M.Tech (KIIT University), Ph.D ( Continuing )

Computer Science & Engineering

13 years


1.       Programming in C

2.       Data Structure Using C

3.       C++ & Object-Oriented Programming

4.       Database Management System

5.       Analysis and Design of Algorithm

6.       Data Communication & Computer Network

7.       Data Mining and Data Warehousing

8.       Soft Computing

9.       Machine Learning


1.       Analysis and Design of Algorithm

2.       Advanced Data Structure and Algorithm

3.       Object Oriented Analysis and Design

4.       Data Mining

Machine Learning, Data Mining, Soft Computing

M.Tech Students guided- 09

M.Tech Student ongoing-01

ü  Best Paper award in IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies.

ü  Reviewer in International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (ICCSEA)




1.       S. Das, S. K. Pradhan, S. Mishra, S. Pradhan, and P. K. Pattnaik, Diagnosis of Cardiac Problem Using Rough Set Theory and Machine Learning, Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), 2022, Vol. 13 No. 4 Jul-Aug 2022, pp. 1112-1131, DOI : 10.21817/indjcse/2022/v13i4/221304070

2.       S. Das, S. K. Pradhan, S. Mishra, S. Pradhan, and P. K. Pattnaik, Analysis Of Cardiac Anomalies By Selection And Extraction Of Features Using Machine Learning Methods.” Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), 2022, Vol. 13 No. 6 Nov-Dec 2022 pp.1905-1131, DOI :10.21817/indjcse/2022/v13i6/221306116

3.       Tripathy, Animesh, Subhalaxmi Das, and Prashanta Kumar Patra. "An Association Rule Based Algorithmic Approach to Mine Frequent Pattern in Spatial Database System.", International Journal of Computer Science & CommunicationVol. 1, No. 2, July-December 2010, pp. 357-363.

4.       Bisoyi, Arun Kumar, Subhalaxmi Das, and Amitav Mahapatra. "A Survey on Security of Multimedia using Various Soft Computing Techniques." International Journal of Computer Applications 975: 8887.

5.       Jagannath, Neha, Sidharth Samant, and Subhalaxmi Das. "A Survey on Cleaning of Web Pages Before Web Mining." International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science, ISSN (2014): 2347-8616.


1.       S. Das, S. K. Pradhan, S. Mishra, S. Pradhan, and P. K. Pattnaik, A Machine Learning based Approach for Detection of Pneumonia by Analyzing Chest X-Ray Images, 9th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), 2022, pp. 177-183, DOI:10.23919/INDIACom54597.2022.9763203.

2.       S. Das, S. K. Pradhan, S. Mishra, N. Patra and S. Pradhan, "Classification of Pulmonary Tuberculosis using Mathematical Modeling and Machine Learning," 2022 International Conference on Machine Learning, Computer Systems and Security (MLCSS), Bhubaneswar, India, 2022, pp. 176-182, doi: 10.1109/MLCSS57186.2022.00040.

3.       S. Das, S. K. Pradhan, S. Mishra, S. Pradhan, and P. K. Pattnaik, Analysis of Heart Diseases Using Soft Computing Technique, 19th OITS International Conference on Information Technology (OCIT), 2021, pp. 178-184, DOI: 10.1109/OCIT53463.2021.00044.

4.       S. Das, S. K. Pradhan, S. Mishra, S. Pradhan, and P. K. Pattnaik, Prediction of Heart Diseases Using Soft Computing Technique, Intelligent Systems, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022, vol 431. Springer, Singapore, pp.155-167. 981-19-0901-6_15.

5.       Pal, J., Das, S. (2023). Prediction of Pneumonia Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). In: Yadav, R.P., Nanda, S.J., Rana, P.S., Lim, MH. (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference on Paradigms of Computing, Communication and Data Sciences. Algorithms for Intelligent Systems. Springer, Singapore.

6.       Pal, Jashasmita, and Subhalaxmi Das. "Prediction of Pneumonia Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Paradigms of Computing, Communication and Data Sciences: PCCDS 2022, pp. 129-142. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

7.       J. Pal, S. Das and J. Tripathy, "Detection of Lung Cancer Using CT-Scan Image - Deep Learning Approach," 2022 OITS International Conference on Information Technology (OCIT), Bhubaneswar, India, 2022, pp. 18-23, doi: 10.1109/OCIT56763.2022.00014.

8.       Pemmaraju, Anish Gopal, A. Asish, and Subhalaxmi Das. "Heart Disease Prediction Using Feature Selection and Machine Learning Techniques." In 2022 International Conference on Machine Learning, Computer Systems and Security (MLCSS), pp. 28-33. IEEE, 2022.

9.       R. Das, J. Mishra, S. Mishra, P. K. Pattnaik and S. Das, "Mathematical Modeling using Rough Set and Random Forest Model to Predict Wind Speed," 2022 9th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), New Delhi, India, 2022, pp. 207-213, doi: 10.23919/INDIACom54597.2022.9763275.

10.    Banerjee, Nikita, and Subhalaxmi Das. "Lung Cancer Prediction in Deep Learning Perspective." Computational Analysis and Deep Learning for Medical Care: Principles, Methods, and Applications (2021): 237-255.

11.    Banerjee, Nikita, and Subhalaxmi Das. "Prediction lung cancer–in machine learning perspective." In 2020 International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (ICCSEA), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2020.

12.    Mishra, Debika, and Subhalaxmi Das. "Comparison of Performance of Various Methods Used for Text Classification: A Survey." International Journal 6, no. 4 (2016).

13.    A. Tripathy, S. Das and P. K. Patra, "An intelligent approach for mining frequent patterns in spatial database system using SQL," 2012 International Conference on Power, Signals, Controls and Computation, Thrissur, India, 2012, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/EPSCICON.2012.6175236.

14.    Tripathy, Animesh. "Subhalaxmi Das, Prashanta Kumar Patra,“An Association Rule Based Algorithmic Approach to Mine Frequent Pattern in Spatial Database System”." International Journal of Computer Science & Communication 1, no. 2 (2010): 357-363.

15.    A. Tripathy, S. Das and P. K. Patra, "An improved design approach in spatial databases using frequent Association Rule Mining algorithm," 2010 IEEE 2nd International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), Patiala, India, 2010, pp. 404-409, doi: 10.1109/IADCC.2010.5422905.

16.    A. Tripathy, S. Das and P. K. Patra, "An Intelligent Data Processing Engine for Spatial Data Management in Vehicular Telematics System," 2009 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies, Bangalore, India, 2009, pp. 517-521, doi: 10.1109/ACT.2009.132.

17.    Tripathy, Animesh, Subhalaxmi Das, and Prashanta Kumar Patra. "An Association Rule Based Algorithmic Approach to Mine Frequent Pattern in Spatial Database System.", International Journal of Computer Science & CommunicationVol. 1, No. 2, July-December 2010, pp. 357-363.

18.    Tripathy, Animesh, Subhalaxmi Das, and Prashanta Kumar Patra. "A Framework for Mining Strong Positive and Negative Association Rules of Frequent Objects in Spatial Database System Using Interesting Measure." In Recent Trends in Network Security and Applications: Third International Conference, CNSA 2010, Chennai, India, July 23-25, 2010. Proceedings 3, pp. 583-592. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

1.       Faculty Development Program on Advanced Database System Concepts, Design and Practices. (23rd Oct, 2013 – 07th Nov, 2013)

2.       Workshop on Quality Engineering & Six Sigma under TEQIP (2nd -6th December, 2013)

3.       International Conference on Web Engineering and Application under TEQIP (18th -21st, December,2013)

4.       Workshop on Mobile Web Application (WMWA-2013) (5th -9th Feb, 2013)

5.       Faculty Development Program on Soft Computing Techniques in Engineering Applications (20th -24th January 2014)

6.       Two Week ISTE Main Workshop on Computer Programming Under the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, New Delhi.(May 20th ,2014 to June 21th,2014)

7.       Three-day Faculty Development Program on Internet of Things organized by dept of CSE, CET from 19/04/2019 to 21/04/2019.

8.       Series of Expert Lecturers on Dynamic Programming, Data Mining, and Wireless Sensor Network organized by dept of CSE, CET from 29/08/2019 to 30/08/2019.

9.       Four Day National Workshop Cum Faculty Development Program on Data and Security organized by dept of CSE, CET from 16/010/2019 to 19/10/2019.

10.    Faculty Development Program on Artificial Intelligence using Python organized by Department of Computer Applications, DAV Institute of Engineering & Technology (DAVIET), Jalandhar, Punjab, from 14-09-2020 to 19-09-2020.

11.    AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Data Sciences" from 2020-10-12 to 2020-10-16 at School of Studies in Engineering and Technology Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University), Bilaspur (C.G.).

12.    Faculty Development Programme On “Data Science & Its Applications In STEM”, conducted by Andhra University College Of Engineering (A),Andhra University and University Engineering College -Vizianagaram, JNTUK, Kakinada in association with APSCHE (Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education) from 07th to 21st September,2020.

13.    AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Data Sciences" from 2020-9-28 to 2020- 10-2 at IFET COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING.

14.    FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME on RECENT ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES (RACT) organized online by Department of Information Technology, College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar under TEQIP-III from 19th September to 23rd September, 2020.

15.    FDP on IoT: Recent Advancements and Applications (IRAA-2020) organized by VSSUT, Burla, 15th-19th September, 2020.




1.       " Machine Learning for Prediction of Lung Cancer ", Deep Learning Applications in Medical Imaging. IGI Global, 2021. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-5071-7

2.       "Lung Cancer Prediction in Deep Learning Perspective", Computational Analysis and Deep Learning for Medical Care: Principles, Methods, and Applications, Scrivener Publishing, Wiley (2021): 237-255.

3.       “A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-Based Pneumonia Detection Using Chest X-Ray Images”, Using Multimedia systems tools and technologies for smart healthcare services. IGI Global, 2023, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5741-2.ch005


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